Title: | PolyGram VCD . Shirley Kwan - Are There Any Real Friends In Life MTV Karaoke 寶麗金影音光碟 . 關淑怡 - 人生可有知己 MTV 卡拉 OK | |
Date of Release: | November 13, 1996. | |
Ref.: | 045 181-2 |
The songs included in this VCD are excellent just like any others songs of Shirley. Although, it would be better if it has When There Are No Rose In The World because it's my favorite song. The favorite video from this VCD "Chin Ka Chain Wa", Shirley looks best in that video. I like her hair at that length. The first time I watched this VCD the old songs were okay and pretty fun to watch. However, after several times, the old videos look pretty lame and sometimes unbearable. It would be better if they replace these videos with clips from Shirley 95 concert.