'e space - Guestbook

'e list Archive

December, 1996.

Date: Sun, 1 Dec 1996 01:08:55 -0500 (EST)
From: BEN LUI 
To: Multiple recipients of the shirley-list list 
Cc: Multiple recipients of the shirley-list list 
Subject: Re: Fire

Hi Shirley's fans,
	Is Shirley still with PolyGram. If not which Co. she is stay with.
								Ben Lui


Date: Sun, 1 Dec 1996 02:47:42 -0500
To: Multiple recipients of the shirley-list list 
From: Keith Hui 
Subject: Re: Fire

At 1:08 AM -0500 12/1/96, BEN LUI wrote:
>Hi Shirley's fans,
>	Is Shirley still with PolyGram. If not which Co. she is stay with.

I believe she's not working under any particular record label right now,
though negotiations with several companies are reportedly underway.



Date: Mon, 2 Dec 1996 01:22:22 +0800 (HKT)
From: LMK 
To: Multiple recipients of the shirley-list list 
Subject: Re: Fire

On Sat, 30 Nov 1996, Jo Jo wrote:

> I was reading Ming Pao today and was told that Shirley's producer - 
> Joseph Ip was the first one to notice smoke in the hallway via the 
> surveillance camera.  He then called the police with his cell phone and 
> rushed down the stairs with other people in the studio.  They were 
> believed to be the first group to escape.

Which day and in which column?

[LMK :P]

 < WEB: http://www.cs.cuhk.edu.hk/~mkleung/ | EMAIL:lmk@moon.csc.cuhk.edu.hk >


Date: Sun, 1 Dec 1996 13:01:37 -0800 (PST)
From: katluk 
To: Multiple recipients of the shirley-list list 
Subject: Re: Forwarded mail....

hey... which shirley is this??? 

On 18 Nov 1996 shirley-list@hookup.net wrote:

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>         With best wishes.

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Date: Mon, 2 Dec 96 00:34:04 UT
From: "Yik-Mien Ng" 
To: Multiple recipients of the shirley-list list 
Subject: RE: Elsa

Dear On On,

>About the french cover version of the songs...

>the only song title that i remeber is:
>fake love -- etre ensemble (being together)
>under the starlight -- tout le temps (or something like that)

I double checked from the Coumbia House Web site 
(http://www.columbiahouse.com) that the Elsa Garcia is not the same as Elsa 
you have mentioned lately.  Elsa Garcia is a Latin singer. Hmm, quite 

Anyways, thanks a lot!!

Yik-Mien Ng


Date: Mon, 02 Dec 1996 03:06:02 -0800
From: Return 
To: Multiple recipients of the shirley-list list 
Subject: (no subject)

Wei Jojo and Friends:

>>I was reading Ming Pao today and was told that Shirley's producer - 
>>Joseph Ip was the first one to notice smoke in the hallway via the 
>>surveillance camera.  He then called the police with his cell phone and 
>>rushed down the stairs with other people in the studio.  They were 
>>believed to be the first group to escape.WW: Really? Is it true that Leslie Cheung
 posters were involved in cause of the fire?
>Or was it that the elevator that caused the fire?

>Anyone have any updates about the new Shirley CD?  This is getting
>ridiculous....it was originally set to be released by late July!!!!  
>This is too crazy....

>But for those of you who want to hear a girl who really sounds like 
>Shirley, check out Karen Mok (Mok Mun Wai), yes the actress!...
>She has that same Ella Fitzgerald influence that Shirley has....
>sometimes I listen to the CD and can't even tell if it's Shirley singing 
>or not...
>Anyway, the CD is called "Cheun Sun" (Whole Body)! It's excellent 
>and it sounds like Shirley!...hehe...

>Keith are you 5"6?  Sorry, irrelevant question...hehe...

>>	Is Shirley still with PolyGram. If not which Co. she is stay with.
>WW: Hi Ben Lui!  You are new to the list aren't you?...Welcome!....
>PolyGram?  Marlboro ( a branch of PolyGram)?  None of us are sure....
>Impact Music (andy Lau's company) was really interested in Shirley as is
>Fitto (Bondy Chiu/Joyce Lee/Veronica Yip/Chris Wong....), but we all know
>that Shirley has to be crazy to move to Fitto...hehe...

 Will .   .


Date: 2 Dec 1996 11:40:42 EDT
Subject: Fire

SH>I was reading Ming Pao today and was told that Shirley's producer -
SH>Joseph Ip was the first one to notice smoke in the hallway via the
SH>surveillance camera.  He then called the police with his cell phone and
SH>rushed down the stairs with other people in the studio.  They were
SH>believed to be the first group to escape.

SH>Jo Jo
SH>* My Secret Garden *

I read the news and heard that ALan Tam and Lag booked the place for
recording their CD, but then they were lucky enough to skipthe


Date: Mon, 2 Dec 1996 17:50:36 -0500 (EST)
From: BEN LUI 
To: Multiple recipients of the shirley-list list 
Subject: Exam. is coming. 

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			      Good luck in Exams.


Date: Mon, 02 Dec 1996 18:17:17 -0500
To: Multiple recipients of the shirley-list list 
From: on on / anna 

did anyone said that there shirley already has a album made -- finished.
polygram is just putting it on hold? who thinks shirley is going to go to
co. other than polygram? how is mok man wai's cd? it is very much like
Cheer up! If life hands    /\         /\     
you lemons, make lemonade!/  \_______/  \    
Yum! Yum! Then pour it on/               \   
someone's head.        _ _ _ _^     ^_ _ _ _ 
Not mine, of course   -_-_-_-_   0   _-_-_-_-
	^_^	            |  I>o>>>>>>


Date: Mon, 2 Dec 1996 21:58:40 -0500
To: Multiple recipients of the shirley-list list 
From: Keith Hui 
Subject: Re: 

At 6:17 PM -0500 12/2/96, on on / anna wrote:
>did anyone said that there shirley already has a album made -- finished.
>polygram is just putting it on hold? who thinks shirley is going to go to

Reportedly, both are true, and the album was completed in January.



Date: 	Mon, 02 Dec 1996 23:36:26 -0800
From: Jo Jo 
To: Multiple recipients of the shirley-list list 
Subject: Re: Fire

LMK wrote:
> On Sat, 30 Nov 1996, Jo Jo wrote:
> > I was reading Ming Pao today and was told that Shirley's producer -
> > Joseph Ip was the first one to notice smoke in the hallway via the
> > surveillance camera.  He then called the police with his cell phone and
> > rushed down the stairs with other people in the studio.  They were
> > believed to be the first group to escape.
> Which day and in which column?
> [LMK :P]

Sorry this took me so long to reply.  Hmm... I read it in the Western Canadian 
version of last Saturday's MingPao magazine.  I'm not sure where they reported 
it in HK's MingPao.  Probably in HK's MingPao Weekly.  Anyway, I can't joined 
you guys for the coming week cuz my mom's gonna keep my modem (since I'm having 

Best Wishes to you all...

Jo Jo  :(
* My Secret Garden *


Date: 	Tue, 3 Dec 1996 12:12:12 -0500
From: William Quan 
Subject: Re:
To: Multiple recipients of the shirley-list list 

On Mon, 2 Dec 1996 21:58:40 -0500 Keith Hui wrote:

> At 6:17 PM -0500 12/2/96, on on / anna wrote:
> >did anyone said that there shirley already has a album made -- finished.
> >polygram is just putting it on hold? who thinks shirley is going to go to
> Reportedly, both are true, and the album was completed in January.

Are you saying that they've delayed putting out an album for almost one whole 



Date: Tue, 03 Dec 1996 12:23:09 -0800
From: Pak-kwan Fredredick Au 
To: Multiple recipients of the shirley-list list 
Subject: Re: 

William Quan wrote:
> On Mon, 2 Dec 1996 21:58:40 -0500 Keith Hui wrote:
> > At 6:17 PM -0500 12/2/96, on on / anna wrote:
> > >did anyone said that there shirley already has a album made -- finished.
> > >polygram is just putting it on hold? who thinks shirley is going to go to
> >
> > Reportedly, both are true, and the album was completed in January.
> Are you saying that they've delayed putting out an album for almost one whole
> year?
I think so. Frederick


Date: Thu, 05 Dec 1996 00:45:27 +0800
From: William Lau 
To: Multiple recipients of the shirley-list list 
Subject: Shirley's film

Dear Shirley's fans,
	East Touch magazine say the Shirley's film will show in Japan at
January 1997.That mean the film will show in Japan first,Hong Kong will
later.Oh!Why??I REALLY want to see!!!Why Japan first!!

William Lau


Date: Wed, 4 Dec 1996 13:24:53 -0800 (PST)
From: John Fong 
To: Multiple recipients of the shirley-list list 
Subject: Re: Shirley's film

On Thu, 5 Dec 1996, William Lau wrote:

> Dear Shirley's fans,
> 	East Touch magazine say the Shirley's film will show in Japan at
> January 1997.That mean the film will show in Japan first,Hong Kong will
> later.Oh!Why??I REALLY want to see!!!Why Japan first!!

Maybe because of the category of the film.  You know, most films that
shown around chinese new year are either action or comedy.  If Shirley's
new film not fall into these 2 categories, that would affect the box
office (ie, no one would go see it at new year time.)  So it's good to
have it shown at a later time in order to grantee a better figure on the
box office.

     _     _           ___
 _  | |___| |_  _ _   | __|__ _ _  __ _  San Francisco State University
| |_| / _ \ ' \| ' \  | _/ _ \ ' \/ _` | jfong@sfsu.edu  jfong@futon.sfsu.edu
 \___/\___/_||_|_||_| |_|\___/_||_\__, | WWW: http://futon.sfsu.edu/~jfong


Date: 	Wed, 4 Dec 1996 19:59:14 -0500
From: Tom 
To: Multiple recipients of the shirley-list list 
Subject: Re: Shirley's film

What is the name of this movie??


On Wed, 4 Dec 1996, William Lau wrote:

> Dear Shirley's fans,
> 	East Touch magazine say the Shirley's film will show in Japan at
> January 1997.That mean the film will show in Japan first,Hong Kong will
> later.Oh!Why??I REALLY want to see!!!Why Japan first!!
> William Lau


Date: Sun, 15 Dec 1996 14:12:29 +0800 (HKT)
From: LMK 
To: Multiple recipients of the shirley-list list 
Subject: Mandarin Compilation 

Hi all Shirley Fans,

Polygram Taiwan has recently released a Mandarin compilation of Shirley.

It contains about 15 songs extracted from her last three Mandarin albums,
namely "Happy are Those in Love", "'EX' Shirley Kwan All Time Favorites"
and "Confused". 

Information will be available in 'e space soon. (The two authors are busy
with their exams. :-P)

[LMK :P]

 < WEB: http://www.cs.cuhk.edu.hk/~mkleung/ | EMAIL:lmk@moon.csc.cuhk.edu.hk >


Date: Mon, 16 Dec 1996 03:29:22 -0800 (PST)
From: Phan Ngoc Dung 
To: Multiple recipients of the shirley-list list 
Cc: Multiple recipients of the shirley-list list 
Subject: Re: Mandarin Compilation 

i'm really curious at what are the fifteen selections from merely three 

let us know soon.

they should just stop compliations and just release the real stuff.


Date: Mon, 16 Dec 1996 03:42:31 -0800 (PST)
From: Phan Ngoc Dung 
To: Multiple recipients of the shirley-list list 
Cc: Multiple recipients of the shirley-list list 
Subject: Re: 

is it possible to do a mass writing campaign to get Polygram to release 
shirley's longly awaited album. we could write or e-mail tons of mail to 
them and get their attention. somehow the fans and patrons of their music 
should have a voice or raise their voice about it. otherwise it might be 



Date: Tue, 17 Dec 1996 08:33:14 +0800
To: Multiple recipients of the shirley-list list 
From: Pseudonym Chan <95241950d@hkpucc.polyu.edu.hk>
Subject: Re: the campaign

At 03:42 AM 12/16/96 -0800, you wrote:
>is it possible to do a mass writing campaign to get Polygram to release 
>shirley's longly awaited album. we could write or e-mail tons of mail to 
>them and get their attention. somehow the fans and patrons of their music 
>should have a voice or raise their voice about it. otherwise it might be 

I have thought of this before, but..... Sorry for my lazyness
I'm now sign my name to support this
However, I have a worry: after the fire of the Garley Buidling, did the
"master" of the Shirley's lastest album destroyed???

But one thing I am very sure that, the PolyGram's mailbox will be boomed!!

Pseudonym Chan


Date: Mon, 16 Dec 1996 17:25:27 -0800
From: Pak-kwan Fredredick Au 
To: Multiple recipients of the shirley-list list 
Subject: Re: the campaign

Pseudonym Chan wrote:
> At 03:42 AM 12/16/96 -0800, you wrote:
> >is it possible to do a mass writing campaign to get Polygram to release
> >shirley's longly awaited album. we could write or e-mail tons of mail to
> >them and get their attention. somehow the fans and patrons of their music
> >should have a voice or raise their voice about it. otherwise it might be
> >never.
> >
> >pd.
> I have thought of this before, but..... Sorry for my lazyness
> I'm now sign my name to support this
> However, I have a worry: after the fire of the Garley Buidling, did the
> "master" of the Shirley's lastest album destroyed???
> But one thing I am very sure that, the PolyGram's mailbox will be boomed!!
> :>
> :)
> Pseudonym Chan

Well, but the problem is that, even Polygram gives way to us and issues
album, it won't do any good to her and to us as well. Remember,
meanwhile Shirley Kwan is not in HK and so far Polygram has not put
forward any of her new song onto the radio or television. 



Date: Mon, 16 Dec 1996 17:50:56 -0800
From: Pak-kwan Fredredick Au 
To: Multiple recipients of the shirley-list list 
Subject: The plea for Shirley Kwan's album

> Well, but the problem is that, even Polygram gives way to us and issues
> Shirley's
> album, it won't do any good to her and to us as well. Remember,
> meanwhile Shirley Kwan is not in HK and so far Polygram has not put
> forward any of her new song onto the radio or television.
> Frederick

Since Shirley is not in HK now, and since she is NO LONGER an artist
under Polygram
(her contract with Polygram has ended since June), even if Polygram
issues her new 
album, it is unlikely that the album would receive any propaganda. Think
about the
last Cantonese album of Grasshoppers (which called Grasshoppers Musical
Shop, I think).
It was issued WITHOUT any propaganda! So we didn't even see this album
in the IFPI!
This explains why I think it won't do any good to us and to Shirley if
Polygram issues her album now. And I believe only after Shirley has
joined another company would Polygram issue her album. I just feel worry
about Shirley...

Anyway, it's still a good idea to make a collective plea. But perhaps we
can think of 
forwarding our plea to newspapers, perhaps APPLE DAILY NEWS, NEXT
SUDDEN ONE WEEK, etc.. 	Meanwhile I am physically in the US, so I am not
if my thinking is impractical or not, but we may think about this


Date: Tue, 24 Dec 1996 15:51:16 -0800
To: Multiple recipients of the shirley-list list 
From: John Fong 
Subject: Re: 

Wish you all have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

John Y. Fong


Date: Wed, 25 Dec 1996 13:20:29 +0800 (HKT)
From: LMK 
To: Multiple recipients of the shirley-list list 
Subject: Info Of Mandarin Compilation 

On Mon, 16 Dec 1996, Phan Ngoc Dung wrote:

> i'm really curious at what are the fifteen selections from merely three 
> albums.

Information of Shirley's latest Mandarin compilation is in 'e space. 

'e list for SHIRLEY KWAN SUK 'E

                            Powered By 'e space


 [  Please direct inquiries to khui@istar.ca or lmk@moon.csc.cuhk.edu.hk ]


Date: Fri, 27 Dec 1996 17:58:56
To: Multiple recipients of the shirley-list list 
Subject: No religion, but like religious music

   Anyone who like Shiley's "Buddhist Voice", pls. give me a reply to discuss whatever you want.  Anyone like religious music?


Date: Fri, 27 Dec 1996 16:31:12 -0800
From: My Secret Garden 
To: Multiple recipients of the shirley-list list 
Subject: Shirley's VCD

To those who live in Vancouver,

Do you know where I can find Shirley's VCD?  None of the record stores 
have it.

Jo Jo
* My Secret Garden *


Date: Fri, 27 Dec 1996 18:11:47 -0800
From: Humphrey Chiu 
To: Multiple recipients of the shirley-list list 
Subject: Re: Shirley's VCD

Hi Jo Jo,
   I've been looking for it for ages and I still haven't found any. BTW,
which Shirley's VCD are you looking for?
Humphrey Chiu, µJµqáu
Canada: hchiu@direct.ca
    UK: hhc@doc.ic.ac.uk
+44 (0) 976715588


Date: Fri, 27 Dec 1996 22:12:33 -0600
To: Multiple recipients of the shirley-list list 
From: Yik-Mien Ng 
Subject: Re: Shirley's VCD

At 06:11 PM 12/27/96 -0800, you wrote:

>   I've been looking for it for ages and I still haven't found any. BTW,
>which Shirley's VCD are you looking for?

ALthough I'm not live in Canada, usually I buy CD from the following web
site. I knew that this company is located in Ontario, Canada, I got the
Shirley VCD from this company
URL: http://www.hkpop.com

Yik-Mien Ng
URL: http://www.public.iastate.edu/~ymng/


Date: Fri, 27 Dec 1996 23:13:33 -0500
From: Agnes Cheng 
To: Multiple recipients of the shirley-list list 
Subject: withdraw the account

To whom it may concern,
	Hi! I would like to withdraw the account from the shirley-list. 
Please cancel my account.  Thank you for your attention.


To: Multiple recipients of the shirley-list list 
From: Kenny Lim 
Subject: Re: The plea for Shirley Kwan's album
Date: Sat, 28 Dec 1996 14:14:23 +0800

hi, it's me...i am delighted to find shirle's fans still remember her... i
do wish a plea would bring about a release of her album...i am really
waiting in vain for it.At 05:50 PM 12/16/96 -0800, you wrote:
>> Well, but the problem is that, even Polygram gives way to us and issues
>> Shirley's
>> album, it won't do any good to her and to us as well. Remember,
>> meanwhile Shirley Kwan is not in HK and so far Polygram has not put
>> forward any of her new song onto the radio or television.
>> Frederick
>Since Shirley is not in HK now, and since she is NO LONGER an artist
>under Polygram
>(her contract with Polygram has ended since June), even if Polygram
>issues her new 
>album, it is unlikely that the album would receive any propaganda. Think
>about the
>last Cantonese album of Grasshoppers (which called Grasshoppers Musical
>Shop, I think).
>It was issued WITHOUT any propaganda! So we didn't even see this album
>in the IFPI!
>This explains why I think it won't do any good to us and to Shirley if
>Polygram issues her album now. And I believe only after Shirley has
>joined another company would Polygram issue her album. I just feel worry
>about Shirley...
>Anyway, it's still a good idea to make a collective plea. But perhaps we
>can think of 
>forwarding our plea to newspapers, perhaps APPLE DAILY NEWS, NEXT
>SUDDEN ONE WEEK, etc.. 	Meanwhile I am physically in the US, so I am not
>if my thinking is impractical or not, but we may think about this


To: Multiple recipients of the shirley-list list 
From: Kenny Lim 
Subject: Re: The plea for Shirley Kwan's album
Date: Sat, 28 Dec 1996 14:14:26 +0800

i am waiting in vain for shirley's album, i hope a collective campaign could
bring to light that her album is much-awaited and she still is a much
appreciated diva.At 05:50 PM 12/16/96 -0800, you wrote:
>> Well, but the problem is that, even Polygram gives way to us and issues
>> Shirley's
>> album, it won't do any good to her and to us as well. Remember,
>> meanwhile Shirley Kwan is not in HK and so far Polygram has not put
>> forward any of her new song onto the radio or television.
>> Frederick
>Since Shirley is not in HK now, and since she is NO LONGER an artist
>under Polygram
>(her contract with Polygram has ended since June), even if Polygram
>issues her new 
>album, it is unlikely that the album would receive any propaganda. Think
>about the
>last Cantonese album of Grasshoppers (which called Grasshoppers Musical
>Shop, I think).
>It was issued WITHOUT any propaganda! So we didn't even see this album
>in the IFPI!
>This explains why I think it won't do any good to us and to Shirley if
>Polygram issues her album now. And I believe only after Shirley has
>joined another company would Polygram issue her album. I just feel worry
>about Shirley...
>Anyway, it's still a good idea to make a collective plea. But perhaps we
>can think of 
>forwarding our plea to newspapers, perhaps APPLE DAILY NEWS, NEXT
>SUDDEN ONE WEEK, etc.. 	Meanwhile I am physically in the US, so I am not
>if my thinking is impractical or not, but we may think about this


To: Multiple recipients of the shirley-list list 
From: Kenny Lim 
Subject: Re: Shirley's VCD
Date: Sat, 28 Dec 1996 14:17:05 +0800

hey, can you please tell me more about my secret garden, what is it all
about? I really like shirley a lot and must grab a copy of it myself...thanx
a million.At 04:31 PM 12/27/96 -0800, you wrote:
>To those who live in Vancouver,
>Do you know where I can find Shirley's VCD?  None of the record stores 
>have it.
>Jo Jo
>* My Secret Garden *


Date: Sat, 28 Dec 1996 00:14:35 -0800 (PST)
To: Multiple recipients of the shirley-list list 
From: ninka@portal.ca (Ninka)
Subject: Re: Shirley's VCD

>Do you know where I can find Shirley's VCD?  None of the record stores 
>have it.

I live in Vancouver...I haven't been checking around for Shirley's VCD
because I didn't know she has one out already.  I suggest (I will go) that
you check MAL in chinatown, if they don't have it, I don't think it will
anywhere else =(


To: Multiple recipients of the shirley-list list 
From: Kenny Lim 
Subject: Re: Shirley's Albums
Date: Sat, 28 Dec 1996 17:54:45 +0800

hi, thi is kenny and oh my god! I'm really excited that shirley actually has
an english song in her latest. Can't wait to get it...for those looking for
shirley's en album, it has to be "BORDERLESS". See ya'.At 10:15 PM 11/11/96
-0800, you wrote:
>On 11 Nov 1996 dcheung@mmhs.markham.on.ca wrote:
>> Hi,
>>        Which album is the best you ask?  I think some of her English
>> songs are really good too.  I notice that she sings extremely well in
>> English, with perfect flawless pronounciation.  It's unfortunate that
>> not too many people are aware of this and Shirely herself does not have
>> too many songs in English.
>  Yep, Shirley does sing really well in English,prob due to the fact that 
>she went to school in the states....
>  Actually,when Shirley was interviewed by Wyman Wong (can't remember exact 
>date...I have it on tape somewhere..)she was asked:why she doesn't have 
>more songs in English and would she consider recording another Eng album
>  --her reply was that the contract with the Japanese record co.(the one 
>that has all her Eng songs)expired and they didn't renew it..
>On why she doesn't have an Eng album out (along the likes of Alex To, 
>Sandy etc)was cos she didn't think there would be enuf people out there 
>to buy it,"just me listening/buying to it!"she said(or something along the 
>lines of that!).
>  BUT--I heard that her new album (the one that Polygram is currently 
>putting on hold--anymore news,anybody??!)has an English song on it--but she 
>wouldn't tell the name of the song--oh well!
>Catcha Later!    S.L.  


To: Multiple recipients of the shirley-list list 
From: Kenny Lim 
Subject: Re: Shirley's Albums
Date: Sat, 28 Dec 1996 18:02:45 +0800

Hey, this is Kenny...I absolutely agree....what is Polygram's email....i
need an immediate release of her album...it's been a year already u know.
Heck! Anyhow, Shirley remains top on my list and Kelly  will always to me
remain in Shirley's shadow. So would Sammi, Cass , Amanda and all.At 07:04
PM 11/12/96 -0800, you wrote:
>Wow, you go to USC, too?  Kinda of surprised me, I mean, there is actually
>somebody from the list who's that close to here.


Date: Sat, 28 Dec 1996 02:13:22 -0800
To: Multiple recipients of the shirley-list list 
From: Alex W Chan 
Subject: Re: Shirley's VCD

At 04:31 PM 12/27/96 -0800, you wrote:
>To those who live in Vancouver,
>Do you know where I can find Shirley's VCD?  None of the record stores 
>have it.
>Jo Jo
>* My Secret Garden *
>Hi Jo Jo,
Please try to go to Yaohan Centre 2nd floor.  There is a store called"
Fashion 88.....Record Store".  I've already asked the boss there to order
Shirley's VCD for me.  His name is Alex Chen ( NOT ME ) and he is a very
nice guy who is willing to order anything about Shirley for me at a very
reasonable price.   Just go and check it out.
Alex Chan ^o^


Date: Sat, 28 Dec 1996 02:23:30 -0800
To: Multiple recipients of the shirley-list list 
From: Alex W Chan 
Subject: Shirley's back to HK

At 04:31 PM 12/27/96 -0800, you wrote:
>Hi Guy's
I've just got a message from my friend in HK that Shirley's back to HK few
days ago.  She was not working right now but she was present in the Press
Conference of Fatto for Tse Ting Fung ( Tse Yin's son ).  He was signing the
contract with Fatto.  However, I wondered why Shirley was there!  Don't tell
me that she is going to sign contracts with Fatto......."Fatal".  Anyway,
anyone who is interested in sending request to the medias to urge Shirley's
Alblum should do it Right Now!  She might want to get some explosure in the
media now!


Date: Sat, 28 Dec 1996 21:52:51 +0800 (HKT)
From: LMK 
To: Multiple recipients of the shirley-list list 
Subject: Re: No religion, but like religious music

On Fri, 27 Dec 1996 siubun@usa.net wrote:

>    Anyone who like Shiley's "Buddhist Voice", pls. give me a reply to

I like it. However, the song would be nicer if it's length is about 2:00 -
2:30. To much "He Ya Ha He Ya". 

> discuss whatever you want.  Anyone like religious music? 

Do you know some of her songs have religious (or precisely, buddhism)
property? Usually, the lyrics are from Lam Man Chun. 

[LMK :P]

 < WEB: http://www.cs.cuhk.edu.hk/~mkleung/ | EMAIL:lmk@moon.csc.cuhk.edu.hk >


To: Multiple recipients of the shirley-list list 
From: Kenny Lim 
Subject: Re: Bitchin' Email!
Date: Sat, 28 Dec 1996 23:39:30 +0800

Man oh man, i totally agree, I mean..."lingering under the stars", music
awards, movies, successin Taiwan, "the one and only Shirley" concert...and
suddenly, poof, she goes into a god knows how long hiatus. When is Polygram
gonna wke up, i mean, they just lost a pop diva!It's like, where's the
album, where is Shirley Kwan suk 'e? Ahhhh!!! Anyhow, Kelly Chen's sound is
reminiscent of Faye, but shirley is still in a league of her own, her style
is distinct and finely alternative. Also, I'm dissapointed with Sammi
Cheng's immense popularity...in a sense , with less competition(minus Sally
,Shirley, Sandy etc) she  probably rules HK popdom. Sigh! If only Shirley
released her album. Finally, I'd like to add, for those thirsty for Shirley,
I've personally found great solace in listening to Karen Mok, who manages to
sound remotely like Shirley. No doubt, Shirley's still the best!:15 PM
11/13/96 -0800, you wrote:
>Yeah I hafta agree that Kelly Chen can really sing. I mean, take her as a
>beginner and I think she's great. About her looks, I think its weird how
>sometimes you can think that she's really pretty and down to earth, then
>sometimes she can look like she haven't slept for like months. BUT. Before I
>get off topic, yeah she does have some sort of ties with shirley, from what I
>notice, maybe their style...probably before both of them had fashion design
>background. As for sound, she sounds more like Sandy Lam.
>Polygram totally should be flamed cuz they put shirley's career in such LAG!
>Gosh. I mean she is just beginning to flourish and all of the sudden it stops!
>That sucks. My neck is getting longer and longer by day cuz I've been waiting
>for so long. It's been a year and a half since her last album!!! What's up
>with that??!??!
>Sent via the Guardian Online.  415.437.3600 N81 or bbs.sfbayguardian.com, 3004


Date: Sat, 28 Dec 1996 15:47:31
To: Multiple recipients of the shirley-list list 

    But i like "Ha Ya ye Ha...",cos' i can feel the Buddhist mood fr that. do u have any religion?
    I don't know any song besides "B. Voice" fr Shirely that has religious mood. But i want to know someone said Karen Mok has a style of Shirley.  What kind of song she sing, i never hear her song! Yet i like her look, a kind of alternative..


To: Multiple recipients of the shirley-list list 
From: Kenny Lim 
Subject: Re: Who?
Date: Sat, 28 Dec 1996 23:58:50 +0800

Sorry Jojo, am i a bit too late or something. Anyhow, Mavis Hee is atop
Singaporean artist. She has a critically acclaimed 2nd album,"Regrets". Faye
fans may be dissapointed tho, Mavis is reminiscent of early Faye.At 05:44 PM
11/15/96 -0800, you wrote:
>Who's Mavis Hee?
>Jo Jo
>* My Secret Garden *


Date: Sat, 28 Dec 1996 12:50:47 -0800
From: Jo Jo 
To: Multiple recipients of the shirley-list list 
Subject: Re: No religion, but like religious music

siubun@usa.net wrote:
> Hi,
>    Anyone who like Shiley's "Buddhist Voice", pls. give me a reply to discuss whatever you want.  Anyone like religious music?

I like "Buddhist Voice," but I'm not sure what you mean by "religious music."
* My Secret Garden *


Date: Sat, 28 Dec 1996 12:56:43 -0800
From: Jo Jo 
To: Multiple recipients of the shirley-list list 
Subject: Re: Shirley's VCD

Humphrey Chiu wrote:
> Hi Jo Jo,
>    I've been looking for it for ages and I still haven't found any. BTW,
> which Shirley's VCD are you looking for?
> --
> _________________________
> Humphrey Chiu, µJµqáu
> Canada: hchiu@direct.ca
>     UK: hhc@doc.ic.ac.uk
> +44 (0) 976715588

Isn't there only one Shirley's VCD?  If you can read Chinese, it's 
ÛH´ê´iÏÒ»²Ûv.  It's also being introduced in 'e space.

* My Secret Garden *


Date: Sat, 28 Dec 1996 12:57:15 -0800
From: Jo Jo 
To: Multiple recipients of the shirley-list list 
Subject: Re: Shirley's VCD

Yik-Mien Ng wrote:
> At 06:11 PM 12/27/96 -0800, you wrote:
> >   I've been looking for it for ages and I still haven't found any. BTW,
> >which Shirley's VCD are you looking for?
> ALthough I'm not live in Canada, usually I buy CD from the following web
> site. I knew that this company is located in Ontario, Canada, I got the
> Shirley VCD from this company
> URL: http://www.hkpop.com
> -------
> Yik-Mien Ng
> ymng@iastate.edu
> ymng@msn.com
> URL: http://www.public.iastate.edu/~ymng/

Hey, that's cool, but do they mail it to you?
* My Secret Garden *


Date: 28 Dec 1996 16:57:20 EDT
Subject: Re: Shirley's back to HK

SH>From: Cathian.

SH>P.S.  I and the other E's fans who are back to H.K. decide to meet on
SH>      Dec 29, 96 at Causeway Bay MTR Station.  That's the 1st time we
SH>      meet together, hope we will have a nice meeting.:)

Remember to report to all of us what you guys did!


Date: Sat, 28 Dec 1996 13:00:43 -0800
From: Jo Jo 
To: Multiple recipients of the shirley-list list 
Subject: Re: Shirley's Albums

Kenny Lim wrote:
> hi, thi is kenny and oh my god! I'm really excited that shirley actually has
> an english song in her latest. Can't wait to get it...for those looking for
> shirley's en album, it has to be "BORDERLESS". See ya'.At 10:15 PM 11/11/96

Yes, but the problem is that I can't find "borderless" anymore!  And I want it so much!

* My Secret Garden *


Date: Sat, 28 Dec 1996 13:04:12 -0800
From: Jo Jo 
To: Multiple recipients of the shirley-list list 
Subject: Re: No religion, but like religious music

LMK wrote:
> Do you know some of her songs have religious (or precisely, buddhism)
> property? Usually, the lyrics are from Lam Man Chun.

Yes!  My favorite lyricists are: Lam Man Chun »L±îço, Wong Zim ¦ËËL, and Lin Xi 

Jo Jo 

* My Secret Garden *


Date: Sat, 28 Dec 1996 13:07:41 -0800
From: Jo Jo 
To: Multiple recipients of the shirley-list list 
Subject: Re: Shirley's back to HK

Cathain Cheung wrote:
> P.S.  I and the other E's fans who are back to H.K. decide to meet on
>       Dec 29, 96 at Causeway Bay MTR Station.  That's the 1st time we
>       meet together, hope we will have a nice meeting.:)

Woh!  You guys are so lucky!  I hope you have a pleasant meeting too!  Gee, I 
wonder what you guys are gonna do?!  Karaoke and sing all Shirley's songs?!

Best Wishes,
Jo Jo
* My Secret Garden *


Date: Sat, 28 Dec 1996 18:24:55 -0500 (EST)
To: Multiple recipients of the shirley-list list 
From: Keith Hui 
Subject: Re: Shirley's back to HK

At 1:18 AM -0800 12/29/96, Cathain Cheung wrote:

>P.S.  I and the other E's fans who are back to H.K. decide to meet on
>      Dec 29, 96 at Causeway Bay MTR Station.  That's the 1st time we
>      meet together, hope we will have a nice meeting.:)

Be sure to let the rest of us know how the meeting go! :-)

Happy new year to you all.



Date: Sun, 29 Dec 1996 01:18:32 -0800
From: Cathain Cheung 
To: Multiple recipients of the shirley-list list 
Subject: Re: Shirley's back to HK

Alex W Chan wrote:
> At 04:31 PM 12/27/96 -0800, you wrote:
> >Hi Guy's
> I've just got a message from my friend in HK that Shirley's back to HK few
> days ago.  She was not working right now but she was present in the Press
> Conference of Fatto for Tse Ting Fung ( Tse Yin's son ).  He was signing the
> contract with Fatto.  However, I wondered why Shirley was there!  Don't tell
> me that she is going to sign contracts with Fatto......."Fatal".  Anyway,
> anyone who is interested in sending request to the medias to urge Shirley's
> Alblum should do it Right Now!  She might want to get some explosure in the
> media now!
> Alex^o^

Excuse me, Alex,

I told you that Shirley was came back to Hong Kong and appeared in Regent
Hotel, but not appeared in Tse Ting Fung's contract signing meeting!!
She just went through Regent Hotel, maybe shopping or dated with her
friends only.  Well, because of many reporters were there, she rushed to
leave the place.  No one can catch her and took interview.  Well, you got
a wrong message from me and you made a little bit of misunderstanding.
Shirley's VCD Karaoke is just HKD55.00 only in Hong Kong.  It just has 1
disc only right now.  Otherwise, do all guys know that VCD is mono only?
That's why the price is so cheap.  When you listened and view the VCD,
you need to close one of the speaker which skip E's voice.  That means 
you just can listen one speaker's music and sing in one speaker also.
So, it's up to you to value of it. Wish you and other E's fans have a
happy new year!

From: Cathian.

P.S.  I and the other E's fans who are back to H.K. decide to meet on
      Dec 29, 96 at Causeway Bay MTR Station.  That's the 1st time we 
      meet together, hope we will have a nice meeting.:)


Date: Sun, 29 Dec 1996 22:39:04 +0800
From: Jaffe Ling 
To: Multiple recipients of the shirley-list list 
Subject: A little advertisement.  :>

Dear all 'e list members,

	Just to nofify you all the new preview version og the `E Theatre is
available now, please come and give comments and suggestion to me.

	Also I put a very very nice picture of Shirley in the gallery page, I'm
sure you must like it!


P.S. Thanks for 'e list to provide me space for his little


Date: Sun, 29 Dec 1996 22:43:51 +0800
From: Jaffe Ling 
To: Multiple recipients of the shirley-list list 
Subject: Re: A little advertisement.  :>

Hi again,

	I'm sorry for I forgot to state the new address of the `E Theatre 2
preview in my previous message.


	Thanks again!! :>



Date: Mon, 30 Dec 1996 02:36:19 +0800 (HKT)
To: Multiple recipients of the shirley-list list 
From: Saint FiftynineR 
Subject: Re: Shirley's VCD

hey Ninka, long time no see! Where have you been? Busy? I guess I see
messages from you "bimonthly." :) Last time is like on VLIFC... Happy new
year and have a good time :)


At 12:14 AM 12/28/96 -0800, you wrote:
>>Do you know where I can find Shirley's VCD?  None of the record stores 
>>have it.
>I live in Vancouver...I haven't been checking around for Shirley's VCD
>because I didn't know she has one out already.  I suggest (I will go) that
>you check MAL in chinatown, if they don't have it, I don't think it will
>anywhere else =(


Date: Mon, 30 Dec 1996 03:02:36 +0800 (HKT)
To: Multiple recipients of the shirley-list list 
From: Saint FiftynineR 
Subject: Re: lyrics

At 01:04 PM 12/28/96 -0800, you wrote:

>Yes!  My favorite lyricists are: Lam Man Chun »L±îço, Wong Zim ¦ËËL, and
Lin Xi 

hmmm. many more... Cheung Mei Yin Á]±iŸ¸Œ), Chow Lai Mau (©På¤ÐZ), and Lee
Man (¤›±î). I agree...  ¦ËËL (James Wong) writes very cool lyrics. Like in
Shirley's Weird Dream Á]¼šÕòÁ^



Date: Mon, 30 Dec 1996 03:09:22 +0800 (HKT)
To: Multiple recipients of the shirley-list list 
From: Saint FiftynineR 
Subject: What we did??

Well... We all had a real good time :) Pictures are taken. I hope we can put
it up somewhere on the web. We watched a movie. We karaoked. We had much
fun. And I found On On and Cathian sing really well :) heheheh My voice is
still "sanded" now :) Good night all.



Date: Sun, 29 Dec 1996 13:08:39 -0800
From: Jo Jo 
To: Multiple recipients of the shirley-list list 
Subject: Re: A little advertisement.  :>

Jaffe Ling wrote:
> Hi again,
>         I'm sorry for I forgot to state the new address of the `E Theatre 2
> preview in my previous message.
> http://home.netvigator.com/~ysling/shirley-new
>         Thanks again!! :>
> Regards,
> Jaffe.

Hey, what's the difference between this new site and the old one?  I believe that 
the old one still exists, and it still looks quite nice :)

Jo Jo
* My Secret Garden *


Date: Sun, 29 Dec 1996 18:48:01 -0600
To: Multiple recipients of the shirley-list list 
From: Yik-Mien Ng 
Subject: Re: Shirley's VCD

At 12:57 PM 12/28/96 -0800, you wrote:
>> ALthough I'm not live in Canada, usually I buy CD from the following web
>> site. I knew that this company is located in Ontario, Canada, I got the
>> Shirley VCD from this company
>> URL: http://www.hkpop.com

>Hey, that's cool, but do they mail it to you?
>* My Secret Garden *

Yes, they did!
Yik-Mien Ng
URL: http://www.public.iastate.edu/~ymng/


Date: Mon, 30 Dec 1996 12:16:12 +0800 (HKT)
From: LMK 
To: Multiple recipients of the shirley-list list 
Subject: How to unsubscribe?

Directly quoted from 'e list welcome message :

 To unsubscribe, send
         unsubscribe shirley-list
 to "listmanager@hookup.net".
 All questions/suggestions about the operations of the list should be
 directed to the list owner at "khui@istar.ca".

[LMK :P]

 < WEB: http://www.cs.cuhk.edu.hk/~mkleung/ | EMAIL:lmk@moon.csc.cuhk.edu.hk >


To: Multiple recipients of the shirley-list list 
From: Kenny Lim 
Subject: Re: 
Date: Mon, 30 Dec 1996 20:12:53 +0800
Status: U

harlow, this is kenny...'bout Karen Mok...alternative she may be, her music
has no religious influence at all. Though she generally has a deeper and
huskier voice, on tracks like "endless love", she does sound like Kwan.
Overall, it is her musical style and direction that is clearly steered
towards Shirley. Mok is reminiscent of Shirley in "weird dream" for example.
Her latest album "Naked" rawly resembles Kwan Suk 'e's "My Way" album.
Tracks like "perverse couples"('sek cheng nam nui'), "wet"('chiu sup')and
"Who"('sui wo sui') shows bursting potential. Coupled with her natural
talent for acting and avant garde image, Karen is here to stay. In a time of
a missing diva(Kwan), Nok cleverly fills this vacuum. However, Shirley's
flawless and emotive vocals still far surpass the rawness of Karen. Ah, if
only they woud do a duet together.......castles are forming in the air...i
think i am falling asleep...ah...goodbye...At 03:47 PM 12/28/96, you wrote:
>    But i like "Ha Ya ye Ha...",cos' i can feel the Buddhist mood fr that.
do u have any religion?
>    I don't know any song besides "B. Voice" fr Shirely that has religious
mood. But i want to know someone said Karen Mok has a style of Shirley.
What kind of song she sing, i never hear her song! Yet i like her look, a
kind of alternative..


Date: Mon, 30 Dec 96 07:53:01 -0800
Subject: Shirley's new release and how you can purchase it.
Cc: shirley-list@hookup.net
Status: U

     This is a message from HKPOP to update you on new releases.  Your 
     favorite artists below have released new albums during the past week:
     -Shirley S.Y. Kwan
     -Leon M. Lai
     -Andy T.W. Lau
     -Vivian W.M. Chow
     Please visit us at http://www.hkpop.com for more details.  
     Happy Surfing
     HKPOP Webmaster


Date: Tue, 31 Dec 1996 01:20:06 -0800
From: XParty 
To: Multiple recipients of the shirley-list list 
Subject: Karen Mok 

>Wei Kenny:

>>Man oh man, i totally agree, I mean..."lingering under the stars", music
>>awards, movies, successin Taiwan, "the one and only Shirley" concert...and
>>suddenly, poof, she goes into a god knows how long hiatus. When is Polygram
>>gonna wke up, i mean, they just lost a pop diva!It's like, where's the
>>album, where is Shirley Kwan suk 'e? Ahhhh!!! Anyhow, Kelly Chen's sound is
>>reminiscent of Faye, but shirley is still in a league of her own, her style
>>is distinct and finely alternative. Also, I'm dissapointed with Sammi
>>Cheng's immense popularity...in a sense , with less competition(minus Sally
>>,Shirley, Sandy etc) she  probably rules HK popdom. Sigh! If only Shirley
>>released her album. Finally, I'd like to add, for those thirsty for Shirley,
>>I've personally found great solace in listening to Karen Mok, who manages to
>>sound remotely like Shirley. No doubt, Shirley's still the best!:15 PM
>WW: Yeah, I agree Kenny!  We have similar tastes and opinions regarding 
>Shirley issue.  I think the Karen Mok was an exceptional CD, with 
>composers and lyricists; as well the mixing job was superb.  Karen sounds
>similar to Shirley in her slow songs....  Anyhow, does anyone have any 
>regarding the latest CD?  This is getting too damned ridiculous.  I think 
>waited far too long for this CD (1 YEAR to be exact).
>Of course Shirley is in a league of her own: you can't even compare Kelly
>and Shirley's techniques and style!....hehe...however, I disagree with 
>statement about Sammi.  I think Sammi has worked exceptionally hard to be
>where she is today and has had to put up with a lot of crap from the 
>and Capital Artists as well.  Thus, Sammi is deserving of the award and I 
>think Shirley's presence in the music scene would have a serious effect
>on Sammi's popularity.  

>Happy New Year To All!  

>To vote for the best Chinese pop songs, male, female and new
>artists of the year, please go to:
>or for the week's best Chinese pop songs, go to:
>Will .  .
>       U


Date: Tue, 31 Dec 1996 15:15:07 -0500
To: Multiple recipients of the shirley-list list 
From: Henry Leung 
Subject: Re: Karen Mok 

At 01:20 AM 12/31/96 -0800, you wrote:
>>Wei Kenny:
>>>Man oh man, i totally agree, I mean..."lingering under the stars", music
>>>awards, movies, successin Taiwan, "the one and only Shirley" concert...and
>>>suddenly, poof, she goes into a god knows how long hiatus. When is Polygram
>>>gonna wke up, i mean, they just lost a pop diva!It's like, where's the
>>>album, where is Shirley Kwan suk 'e? Ahhhh!!! Anyhow, Kelly Chen's sound is
>>>reminiscent of Faye, but shirley is still in a league of her own, her style
>>>is distinct and finely alternative. Also, I'm dissapointed with Sammi
>>>Cheng's immense popularity...in a sense , with less competition(minus Sally
>>>,Shirley, Sandy etc) she  probably rules HK popdom. Sigh! If only Shirley
>>>released her album. Finally, I'd like to add, for those thirsty for Shirley,
>>>I've personally found great solace in listening to Karen Mok, who manages to
>>>sound remotely like Shirley. No doubt, Shirley's still the best!:15 PM
>>WW: Yeah, I agree Kenny!  We have similar tastes and opinions regarding 
>>Shirley issue.  I think the Karen Mok was an exceptional CD, with 
>>composers and lyricists; as well the mixing job was superb.  Karen sounds
>>similar to Shirley in her slow songs....  Anyhow, does anyone have any 
>>regarding the latest CD?  This is getting too damned ridiculous.  I think 
>>waited far too long for this CD (1 YEAR to be exact).
>>Of course Shirley is in a league of her own: you can't even compare Kelly
>>and Shirley's techniques and style!....hehe...however, I disagree with 
>>statement about Sammi.  I think Sammi has worked exceptionally hard to be
>>where she is today and has had to put up with a lot of crap from the 
>>and Capital Artists as well.  Thus, Sammi is deserving of the award and I 
>>think Shirley's presence in the music scene would have a serious effect
>>on Sammi's popularity.  
>>Happy New Year To All!  
>>To vote for the best Chinese pop songs, male, female and new
>>artists of the year, please go to:
>>or for the week's best Chinese pop songs, go to:
>>Will .  .
>>       U
>I agree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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